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How to Be a Happiest Person.

Today we will talk about happiness, about being happy in life. See you in the next part! Happiness. How to be happy in life? Many of you ask me in emails, in comments. How do I manage to smile all the time, to stay so happy? And I really consider myself an extremely happy person. And I consider my life to be full of happiness, full of fulfillment. And how do I do that? I want to share with you today in the first part of the series about happiness in life some of the tools that I use.

And first of all and probably the most important tool is to be open to people, to smile, and to be kind to people, because some people call it karma. But I call it the law of action and reaction. How you approach people so they approach you back, so they talk to you. So, if you smile at people, they will smile at you. I will show it! You see? People in Colombia smile a lot and they are open to other people. And this creates happiness.

So, if you approach people with kindness, they will be kind to you. And this will be a major factor in your life. The other element that I want to share with you is connected with that. 

 Don't allow people who are envious, who want somehow to take away from you and they don't wish well to you to come into your life and to destroy what you have built, what you have created. So, it is not only important to be kind and open to people but also to choose the people in your life wisely. And it is about surrounding yourself with people that support you. I wish you well and that are kind to you.

So, choose not only the people who pull you up but also people who are kind to you, who want you to succeed, and wish well to you. Who wants you to be happy. And of course, you should also support them and you should be kind to them and reciprocate that kindness. 

And the third element that I want to share with you today is optimism. Because as I said in my previous videos, you have the choice. You can be an optimist and you can be a pessimist But optimists achieve much more and optimists are generally happier Because as an optimist you believe that you have the luck on your side that whatever you do, it will go well. That you will succeed in your endeavors, in your projects

Of course, objectively, you may not succeed every time but alone the belief, alone the attitude will make you happier in whatever you do during the process and of course, it will also increase the probability of you succeeding. So, these are the 3 pieces of advice that I wanted to give you in this first video of the series. 

I invite you to watch the other videos in the series about happiness in life. If you liked this video, give me a thumb up. If you didn't, thumb down. Of course, share this video with your loved ones, with your friends. One day they will thank you for that.


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