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Showing posts from February, 2022

10 Subtle Signs You Can't Trust Someone

Today,  we are going to learn about 10 subtle signs you can’t trust someone. Now, let’s begin.  1. Social Cruelty  Do you know someone who mistreats their friends? Maybe you know someone whose personality changes behind closed doors? Untrustworthy people wear two faces. In public, they put on a mask.  They’re kind and polite. They smile and laugh,  but in private they can be cruel to the people who love them most. You may catch them making fun of their friends. They enjoy making their partners or family members uncomfortable. In some cases,  they use their friends as scapegoats and harshly criticize their shortcomings. If you want to know what someone is really like, look past their public persona.  Anyone can wear a fake smile and act like a good,  trustworthy person. But trustworthy people don’t change their personalities in private. They’re not cruel to their friends or critical of their loved ones. If you know someone who is two-faced,  be careful, because this person can’t be tru

How to Be a Happiest Person.

Today we will talk about happiness, about being happy in life. See you in the next part! Happiness. How to be happy in life? Many of you ask me in emails, in comments. How do I manage to smile all the time, to stay so happy? And I really consider myself an extremely happy person. And I consider my life to be full of happiness, full of fulfillment. And how do I do that? I want to share with you today in the first part of the series about happiness in life some of the tools that I use. And first of all and probably the most important tool is to be open to people, to smile, and to be kind to people, because some people call it karma. But I call it the law of action and reaction. How you approach people so they approach you back, so they talk to you. So, if you smile at people, they will smile at you. I will show it! You see? People in Colombia smile a lot and they are open to other people. And this creates happiness. So, if you approach people with kindness, they will be kind to you

Loving Yourself, The Foundation of Success.

Do you know what self-love is? It's more than changing your hair, getting a new wardrobe, or attempting to redefine yourself. Self-love is gaining an appreciation for yourself through the physical, emotional, and spiritual support you provide yourself with. It's not a fixed state but can grow over time through actions that lead to maturity. Establishing self-love can be a long journey but it's a vital step to improving your mental health and overall happiness. So, here are a few tips that may help you along the way. 1. Forgive Yourself. Are you incredibly tough on yourself? Sometimes when you're struggling for perfection you end up overlooking the fact that you're only human. Although you may tell yourself that you're just holding yourself accountable, too much self-deprecation can be harmful to your mental health. Instead, learning to forgive yourself for the mistakes you make and treating them as opportunities to grow, is a step towards practicing self-love.

To Become Creative Person, Follow these 10 Steps

  Actors, artists, rock stars, and writers can touch us on not only a personal scale but a global scale as well. We see these people on TV and on our bookshelves in the movie theatres and in the grocery stores, but what makes them so special is creativity. Creative people rule the world whether it's being media icons or designing sleek new products. We see in use every day we love creative people and we want to know all their secrets if you want to produce music like Kanye or paint? Like Picasso here are 10 psychological tips from creative people. 1. Integrate Art. Creative people are very vocal about the importance of exposing themselves to art. By integrating art into your life your brain starts to reflect on it. This trains you to look for meaningful messages metaphors and other important information everywhere.  Because thrill-seeking allows them to explore and create possibilities for themselves and others. Being open is such an important factor Creativity has to be fre

Why Young People Shouldn't Skip Health Insurance?

Our health insurance bill is going up again! For what we pay every year we could add another room to our house. you’re right. It seems like we’re paying more and more for a service we barely use. I mean, I do yoga. And eat all my veggies. We hardly ever get sick. Now that we’re no longer required to purchase health insurance, it kind of makes me wonder…should we be paying for it at all? We could pocket the premiums ourselves. And if we get sick or hurt down the line, we can just use that money to pay the bills. But what if we have a serious injury? Like your turkey fryer incident last Thanksgiving. No sweat. We can just crowd-source money for the bills. I see people on Facebook fundraising for medical costs all the time! Great! Although I do think you should quit your extreme parkour. Only if you give up knife-juggling. Deal. Have you ever found yourself wondering if you should just skip out on the whole health insurance thing? If you don’t have the coverage offered through your jo