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Showing posts from December, 2021

Don't Trust Someone: If they do these 13 signs.

  13 signs you can't trust someone If you are wondering whether you can trust someone you have met, keep watching this video to learn more about the signs of an untrustworthy person. 1: They tell a lot of little white lies.  Some people have a habit of telling many little white lies. For example, you may know someone who can talk for half an hour about a birthday gift you know for sure they haven’t used once. Or they could be praising your cooking when you are aware that it is barely acceptable. If there are a lot of little lies, you may assume they can add up to big ones. You simply cannot trust someone while you know they are comfortable with lying. Even if they tell only simple little lies, it is not a good sign when it comes to their trustworthiness. 2: They are two-faced You have surely met these people. They act one way when you are alone with them and completely different when you are not around. Two-faced people are usually very nice to you in direct communication. However,

How to Know Fake Nice People or Friends: 10 Signs

10 signs of fake nice people Have you ever thought about how some people are genuinely nice? You can rely on them, they never brag, and they rarely lie to make themselves look better. And then some people seem very nice, but they really are not. These people are referred to as fake nice people, and If you want to learn how to recognize them, stay with us and we will reveal 10 signs of fake nice people. 1: They are overly excited when they see you.  Fake nice people usually act too excited to see you. You will recognize this easily. Imagine running into your old college friend. You haven’t seen each other for ages. But, he smiles at you widely and embraces you like you are the best friend ever. That is not quite expected, right? Besides usual small talk, he suggests you two make some plans to catch up soon. And you are left feeling bad because it seemed like they care more about your relationship than you do. That was probably the whole point of their little performance. 2: They don

How I Know My Wife/Girlfriends are Cheating on me: 14 Signs.

14 Signs your wife or girlfriend is cheating on you  1: She starts dressing differently. One of the first changes you could notice is a change in her appearance. If your girlfriend is cheating on you, she will very likely change her wardrobe. She will start dressing differently than she used to. If your girlfriend suddenly starts caring about her appearance after years of just going around in a t-shirt and jeans, you can ask yourself what is going on with her. One reason could be that she is trying to impress someone new in her life. 2: She seems distracted. If your once very attentive girlfriend or wife becomes very distracted and can barely keep up with what you are talking about, something is wrong. One thing that could be wrong is that she is cheating on you. It could be hard for her to stay in the conversation and she will always seem like she is looking over your shoulder. The reason behind this behavior is that she is trying to keep herself from feeling guilty when she finally b

If you don't Do these 10 things, you will Regret when you are Old.

Today, we are going to learn about 10 things you will regret later in life. 1. Neglecting Passion.  In ten or twenty years, when you reflect on the life you’ve lived, will you regret the career you chose? Many people experience professional regret because they spent their lives chasing dollar signs instead of pursuing their passions. They chose professions that could afford them a more luxurious lifestyle. Day in and day out, they earned a hefty salary, but as you look back at your life, you won’t think about how much money you made. You’ll think about the meaningful things you accomplished. If your professional life revolved around your paycheck, you may not have something meaningful to reflect on. But it’s never too late to take your career in a new direction. If you spend every day working for the weekend, ask yourself what would make your time more meaningful. What lights a fire under you? What passions motivate you to get up in the morning? If those passions conflict with your wor

4 Simple Habits to overcome Anxiety.

Today, we are going to learn about 4 little habits that reduce anxiety. 1. Morning Leeway Many people experience stress, tension, and anxiety first thing in the morning.  From the moment you wake up, you’re rushing to get things done. You’re constantly behind schedule. Your brain is moving a million miles per hour. By the time your morning is over, your stress has skyrocketed. You feel anxious and overwhelmed. Your thoughts quickly spiral out of control. Think about how morning anxiety affects the rest of your day. You’re building on a foundation of stress. You may be fighting the same anxiety through the afternoon and evening.  It affects your performance at work. It impacts your ability to relax when you get home. It even decreases the quality of your sleep, creating more anxiety tomorrow. So how do you reduce morning anxiety? How do you cope with stress from the moment you wake up? Believe it or not, one simple habit can transform the mood of your mornings. Instead of feel

Why you should stop Negative Thoughts.

Have you ever spent nights being plagued by negative thoughts? Perhaps you get insecure about certain aspects of your life or feel like something is about to go wrong. These constant negative thoughts can drive unnecessary fear and hinder you from being your best self. So to help you conquer this, here are six ways to overcome negative thoughts. 1.  Recognize cognitive distortions. Do you have a tendency to think in extremes? Perhaps your friends didn't reply to you immediately and you assumed it meant they don't wanna be friends with you anymore, or maybe someone made a comment about you and you took it to mean that they hate you. This is a type of cognitive distortion known as black and white thinking, and it can greatly harm your mental health. Remember, your mind is so powerful that it can convince you of something that isn't necessarily accurate, which can reinforce negative thinking. This is why it's important to make an effort to be aware of such thoughts and di

Seven habits that drive you to be cognitively weak.

Seven habits that drive you to be cognitively weak. 1.  External Motivators Why do you want to build mental strength? Mental strength is difficult to build and maintain,  yet many people pursue a stronger mindset without a clear goal in mind.  Why do you want to become stronger? Do you admire strong people? Are you searching for confidence,  courage, or self-esteem? Do you associate strength with professional or social success? Everyone seeks mental strength for a different reason, but some reasons are more powerful than others. The people who achieve mental strength carefully reflect on their ambitions and discover deeply personal motivators. These motivators play a key role in their lifelong success.  Why? Because your motivators help persevere through difficult situations.  When you lose hope, your motivators remind you that there is something worth fighting for.  Motivation can be a powerful tool, yet many people pursue the wrong kinds of motivators.  They chase external rewards.

Why Thinking too much is very Dangers for Us.

Why Thinking too much is very Dangers for Us. Thinking about ourselves – our feelings, our past, our desires, and our hopes – is a hugely tricky task that most of us spend a good deal of effort trying very hard to avoid. We keep away from ourselves because so much of what we could discover threatens to be painful. We might find that we were, in the background, deeply furious with, and resentful about, certain people we were only meant to love. We might discover how much ground there was to feel inadequate and guilty on account of the many errors and misjudgments we have made.  We might find that though we wanted to be decent, law-abiding people, we harbored fantasies that went in appallingly deviant and aberrant directions. We might recognize how much was nauseatingly compromised and needed to be changed about our relationships and careers. We don’t only have a lot to hide, we are liars of genius. It is part of the human tragedy that we are such natural self-deceivers. Our techniques