13 signs you can't trust someone If you are wondering whether you can trust someone you have met, keep watching this video to learn more about the signs of an untrustworthy person. 1: They tell a lot of little white lies. Some people have a habit of telling many little white lies. For example, you may know someone who can talk for half an hour about a birthday gift you know for sure they haven’t used once. Or they could be praising your cooking when you are aware that it is barely acceptable. If there are a lot of little lies, you may assume they can add up to big ones. You simply cannot trust someone while you know they are comfortable with lying. Even if they tell only simple little lies, it is not a good sign when it comes to their trustworthiness. 2: They are two-faced You have surely met these people. They act one way when you are alone with them and completely different when you are not around. Two-faced people are usually very nice to you in direct communication. How...