According to the research by social psychologist Dr. David McClelland of Harvard, the people you habitually associate with determines as much as 95 percent of your success or failure in life. It’s a fact of life that some people hold us back, while others propel us forward. This is why in this video we will be talking about 6 types of negative people we need to ignore and more importantly how should we ignore them. Downtown Success is dedicated to giving out life-changing ideas that will make your journey towards success short and easy. The truth is you can’t hang out with negative people and expect to have a positive life. More importantly, if you do all the right things, but if you get around people who hold you to a lower standard, then you are more likely to fail. So who are these 6 types of negative people and how do we ignore them? 1. The hopelessly hostile drama queen We all have friends who are drama queens, who are very charismatic, colorful, and compelling, and sweep...